The Human Race at a Crossroad
This article is about politics, society, environmental protection, and it is also about the extreme secrecy surrounding one of the most important subjects of all times: extra-terrestrial life and UFOs. Please bear with me while I explain what prompted me to write this editorial. My Australian wife and I recently became parents to our beautiful baby girl Clemence, and I believe that there is a profound connection between education, sustainability and the worldwide UFO phenomenon. These fascinating topics of research are fundamentally intertwined. Let me explain.
The human race is at a crossroad; our current living generations are making vital decisions that shape the future of this planet and our civilisation: the Anthropocene (the current geological age during which human activity is the dominant negative influence on Earth climate and the natural environment), the uncontrolled rise of artificial intelligence and other technologies, human induced global warming with a vast range of climate related risks, the constant nuclear threats, increasing social inequalities, the growing secrecy of our governments and private multinational corporations, the erosion of individual rights and privacy in the name of security, and a potential disruptive industrial revolution based on A.I. nanotechnologies and advanced robotics.
Back in November 2016, after the election of Donald Trump to the White House in Washington, I decided to publish a column (available on my Linked in profile), as I, like many in this world, was shocked by the polling results. I wanted to see an experienced woman in charge of the most powerful military force on Earth, not a misogynist real estate developer. But much has changed in the world in the past three years, and much has changed in me too: my vision of society and politics has evolved, and since, I jumped into the rabbit hole of the UFO reality!
It is 1999, and I am studying a Master degree in International Relations at La Sorbonne University in Paris, I am full of ideals, quite disappointed by the electoral defeat of Al Gore in the US against Bush junior; the Earth climate has lost a battle. At the time, I naturally adhered to political idealism, referring to international politics, seeking to advance certain ideals and moral objectives such as world peace and justice; following the tradition of Thomas Woodrow Wilson (28th president of the United States from 1913 to 1921, father of the League of Nations). The Australian rock band Midnight Oil was my primary source of inspiration, singing for the environment and the land rights of the oldest civilisation on Earth, the Aboriginal people of Australia. But, I always had the intuition that the pre-digested / regurgitated “reality” presented on television was not an accurate representation of our world.
When 9/11 occurred in September 2001, I was hitchhiking in Australia, the country of my dreams, traveling somewhere between Tennant Creek and Alice Springs, in one of the most isolated places on Earth. I was finalising my Research Thesis on International Relations and Climate Change Negotiations at the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) in Brisbane. When I presented my work to the La Sorbonne Jury back in Paris in October 2001, I argued that 9/11 was an “opportunity” for the US Pentagon to secure oil supply in the Middle East and to destroy the secular nations of the Middle East such as Iraq, Libya, Egypt, Syria, and to control Afghanistan. A new enemy was required after the fall of USSR; this new enemy was now “terrorism”. The 9/11 attacks gave the US an ideal pretext to use military force in order to secure its world hegemony. La Sorbonne university in Paris gave me an Average Mark, saying that no theory is good enough without substantial evidence - no comment. What I discovered years later, is that 9/11 was potentially a false flag, used by the neoconservatives to launch the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) and to pass the Patriot Act (in the midst of the Anthrax scare), giving the authorisation for the FBI, CIA and NSA to systematically spy on the entire US population, and beyond borders, violating the constitutional rights of US citizens. 9/11 was a new “Pearl Harbour,” “The opportunity of Ages” (1).
I spent over fifteen years advocating for the protection of our world natural resources, in Paris, and networking, as a French immigrant in Australia, with the Australian community, advocating for the preservation of our biodiversity and for the reduction of human induced greenhouse gas emissions - to avoid a sudden and catastrophic global warming; a scientific reality that many amongst us still struggle to understand. When we look at the state of the world today (2019), with the Amazon and other large forests burning, the Australian Great Barrier Reef bleaching to death, the world ocean resources depleted, microplastic pollution everywhere, dangerous radioactive pollution, and the Earth biodiversity on the brink of collapse, it is easy to lose hope in our leaders and our democratic system. I decided, about five years ago to search for new answers, and I started to look into cosmology. I became passionate about the study of the universe, string theory, the crazy world of quantum physics and black hole physics.
After reading Cosmos from Carl Sagan and other great books from physicists and cosmologists such as Neil Tyson De Grace, Michio Kaku, Leonard Susskind, Brian Green, Brian Cox, Lawrence Krauss, and late Stephen Hawking, I came across the so-called Fermi Paradox. The Fermi paradox is named after Italian American physicist Enrico Fermi. It refers to a potential contradiction between the very high probability of advanced civilisations currently existing in our galaxy and the lack of evidence demonstrating their presence or visitation here on planet Earth, after millions of years of existence (2). After more research in 2016, I quickly realised that there was no such contradiction. At the top of our military and in the deep dark world of secret agencies and defence private contractors, UFOs are a reality.
UFOs (or as recently rebranded UAPs) have been penetrating our most protected and sensitive skies with impunity since we, humans, have had the capacity to detect them (1930’s or so; also refer to the Foo Fighters during World War II). But the UFO phenomenon has been kept secret from the general public for over a lifetime, since the 1940s. There are numerous quotes and statements from high-ranking officials and former US Presidents in this regard. I invite you to look at US declassified documents, or to check out the fantastic research work made available by American Author and Publisher Richard M. Dolan.
Richard M. Dolan is an American historian who studied US Cold War strategy and geopolitics. For the past twenty years, Richard has been one of the very few authors in the world who has been researching on the national security dimensions of the UFO phenomenon from the 1940s to the present. He has worked on hundreds of declassified documents demonstrating with rigour, precision and consistency, that the UFO phenomenon is indeed real and not visionary. Richard has analysed over fifty military bases relating to countless violations of sensitive airspace by UFOs. He has integrated over 50 years of numerous eyewitness reports, both public and military intelligence studies worldwide (3).
As Gerald Ford (38th President of the United States) stated: “in the firm belief that the American public deserves a better explanation than that thus far given by the US Air Force, I strongly recommend that there be a committee investigation of the UFO phenomena. I think we owe it to the people to establish credibility regarding UFOs, and to produce the greatest possible enlightment of the subject”.
Robert Bigalow is an American multi millionaire and businessman who is the founder of Bigelow Aerospace since 1999. His organisation researched various paranormal science topics, such as what is happening at Skinwalker range with cattle mutilations and the UFO phenomenon, including black triangle reports. Robert Bigelow said to the New York Times on June 7, 2010: “I’ve been a researcher and student of UFOs for many, many years. Anybody that does research, if people bother to do quality research, comes away absolutely convinced. You don’t have to have personal encounters… People have been killed. People have been hurt. It’s more than observational kind of data…” He also stated in May 2017: “There has been and is an existing presence… an ET presence.”
Another statement from US Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter in 1960: “It is time for the truth to be brought out in open Congressional hearings. Behind the scenes, high ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about the UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense” (4).
Lord Peter Hill-Norton (Chief of Defence Staff, Ministry of Defence, Great Britain (1971-73): “The evidence that there are objects which have been seen in our atmosphere, and even on terra firma, that cannot be accounted for either as man-made objects or as physical force or effect known to our scientists seems to me to be overwhelming. A very large number of sightings have been vouched for by persons whose credentials seem to be unimpeachable. It is striking that so many have been trained observers, such as police officers, and airline or military pilots. Their observations have in many instances, been supported either by technical means such as radar or, even more convincingly, by interference with electrical apparatus of some sort or another.”
The last quote I selected is from Edgar Mitchell (US Astronaut): “The evidence points to the fact that Roswell was a real incident and that indeed an alien craft did crash, and that material was recovered from that site. We all know that UFOs are real. All we need to ask is where do they come from and what do they want?”
On December 16, 2017, things started to emerge. The New York Times published an article revealing for the first time that, for years, the Pentagon had been managing a program to investigate reports of UFOs, according to Defence Department officials. It was run by a military intelligence official, Luis Elizondo, at the Pentagon. That same month, infrared footage of the USS Nimitz UFO encounter of 2004 was released to the public. This was a stunning radar-visual encounter of a UFO by US fighter pilots of the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group. The encounter also included an engagement with the UFO by the Commander of the squadron (VFA-41). In 2019, the Defence personal was authorised to reproduce a video of this shocking event - available on YouTube as "The Nimitz Encounters," a 30 minutes’ documentary featuring interviews of US Army personnel (5). These crafts were not from this world; to quote US F16 Hornet fighter pilot and Cmdr, David Fravor: “I have no idea what I saw, it had no plumes, wings or rotors, and outran our F-18s" (6).
One day before 9/11, on September 10, 2001, Donald Henry Rumsfeld (Secretary of Defence from January 2001 to December 2006 under George W. Bush) publicly announced that 2.3 trillion of US dollars could not be accounted for (7)! According to Catherine Austin-Fitts, a financial expert who worked at Wall Street and then for the US government (under George W. Bush), there could be up to 21 trillion of US dollars unaccounted for between 1995 and 2015 and missing from the US budget (primarily from defence and housing) (8). This dark money could be funding dark programs, and there could be so much more that is potentially being kept secret, using US taxpayer’s money. This is against democratic values and principles. Imagine what could be done with these trillions of dollars! For starters reduce world poverty, then build more schools and hospitals, transport infrastructure and clean technology energy power plants; the possibilities are endless.
On January 17, 1961, US President Dwight Eisenhower gave the US nation a serious warning about what he described as a real threat to democracy; the military-industrial complex, a powerful union of defence contractors and the armed forces. Eisenhower talked about "the immense military establishment" in bed with "a large arms industry." He said: "In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist." A few days later, the new US President, John F. Kennedy, would be sworn in… (no comment).
I now have the firm conviction that democracy does not really exist, that governments we elect come and go, and that behind the scene, an elite is pulling strings on all levels: economy, society, false flags, 9/11, terrorism, CIA dark programs, fake news, fake wars, dividing the population to better conquer, deep state, assassinations and indeed, the UFO phenomenon. The CIA themselves invented the term “conspiracy theory,” and the expressions “permanent government” or “deep state” date back to the 1960s. I invite you to research operation mocking bird, operation paperclip, to check numerous statements from US astronauts on “Santa Claus” and “bogeys” every time humans went to space. Check out the French COMETA report from 1999 (8), look at what is happening at Skinwalker ranch in Utah, and discover the great work of David Paulides: Missing 411 (9). Reality is a big puzzle! There have been hundreds of UFO reports and cases since the 1940s, look at them with an open mind; they are mind-blowing! Nuclear sites disarmed by UFOs, army jets trying to chase them up, civilian and military encounters of extra-terrestrials. Check out the most amazing UFO cases such as the Rendelsham Forest incident in the UK or the UFO triangle waves of Belgium and in the US. So many incidents that should be discussed in the mainstream media. Similarly, we must carefully assess the information we are served up by the media.
Now here is a suggestion for you: maybe we should not be surprised if a large part of the population in our so-called “advanced economies” vote for populist leaders such as Trump, Le Pen or Johnson. When unemployment is high and jobs have long gone overseas, when the environment is trashed on the sacred saint hotel of profit and capitalism, when climate change is becoming a sad and violent reality, when the world biodiversity is on the brink of collapse, and when secrecy runs deep behind the curtains of a permanent state, then anti-globalisation sentiments and anti-establishment feelings arise. I am not arguing that these political leaders can provide viable and long term solutions to all our problems (because, in fact, they may not really be “in charge” here); I am saying that for many who feel forgotten by globalisation or for those who do not like the shape that this globalisation is taking, then nationalism and slogan politics appear to them like an alternative. Naturally, extremes rise, on the left and on the right. But when people start to realise that politicians are possibly acting like “puppets” for a world financial and industrial elite, then what will happen next? I worry of the war launched on fake news, when actually much of the fake news come from mainstream media itself. Furthermore. Who on Earth should have the authority to decide for you what is “fake” and what is not? When the fight on hate speech is the new norm, what is left of our freedom of speech? I am not so much concerned about terrorism or the rise of China, I am more worried about artificial intelligence and its applications by corporate giants and the impact on our privacy. What about advanced robotics for military use? For my daughter Clemence, I am concerned about the state of the environment in 30 years from now, about the complete surveillance of every single human being on this planet, about the growing secrecy of multinational corporations in various industries such as defence, space, data management, telecommunication, social media, food production and pharmaceuticals.
Recently, I started a new initiative called UFO Paradigm, which aims at generating a discussion amongst the general public on the centuries-old UFO phenomenon, which is not fictitious or visionary. I have a passion for human history, philosophy, cosmology and arts, but importantly for justice and sustainability. The end of UFO secrecy (and the subsequent UFO disclosure to the world) is potentially a very disruptive force to our society: political institutions, religions, security, energy and infrastructure... (10).
To conclude, I wish to cite Richard M. Dolan himself in the conclusion of his first book, for those who seriously doubt that the UFO phenomena could be ever kept secret: “I have tried to show that the cover-up of UFO information is nothing unique. A state capable of conducting terminal mind-control experiments, biological spraying of American cities, illegal mail and cable interceptions, nationwide domestic surveillance by its military, human plutonium and syphilis injections, sundry coups and assassinations, ongoing media manipulations and flat-out public lying on a continual basis, would surely be capable of lying about UFOs, too.” Richard also writes: “As early as 1948, Project Sign concluded that flying saucers were probably extra-terrestrial (…). The easy thing to do with UFO evidence is to ignore it. Much harder is to confront it, study it, and ask just what does this means? (…) Others have found us, or our world, and continue to find this world of interest. Why should this be so difficult to understand? In fact it is not.” (11)
If you like this article, I invite you to leave a comment and to follow me on Linked in and on Facebook. We are the most important generation ever to walk this planet, and we still have the power to change things for the better, but we must demand for the truth and we must be ready to confront reality.
(1) September 11, the New Pearl Harbour. Top Documentary Films,
(2) Fermi Paradox, SETI,
(3) Richard M. Dolan: “UFOs and the National Security State, Chronology of a Cover-up, 1941-1973”, Russell Targ Editions.
(4) US Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter, Statement in a NICAP (National Investigations Committee On Aerial Phenomena) news release, US, February 27, 1960
(5) The Nimitz Encounters, A film by David Beaty: published on May 26, 2019,
(6) New York Times article, By Helene Cooper, Leslie Kean and Ralph Blumenthal, December 16, 2017:
(7) The Nation, by Dave Lindorff: How US military spending keeps rising even as the Pentagon flunks its audit - November 27, 2018
(8) Catherine Austin-Fitts (Former Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development): Missing Money, “Unsupported journal Voucher Adjustments”, financial statements of the Office of the Inspector General for the Department of Defence and the Department of Housing and Urban Development,
(8) French COMETA report, Comite d’Etudes Approfondies, French Ministry of Defence, full text, 1999,
(9) David Paulides, CanAm Missing project,, “Missing 411, Western United States & Canada: Unexplained Disappearances of North Americans that have never been solved”, 2012
(10) Richard M. Dolan and Bryce Zabel: “After Disclosure”, New Page Books, 2012.
(11) Richard M. Dolan: “UFOs and the National Security State, Chronology of a Cover-up, 1941-1973”, Russell Targ Editions. /