Some well-known UFO cases

The study of the phenomenon of unidentified flying objects is not pseudo-science. It can seem surreal and a fringe topic but in fact, UFOs are a very well documented reality. The military of virtually all nations have experienced UFO encounters, with spacecraft that are clearly not from this Earth. In 2019, the U.S. Navy finally admitted after more than seventy years of secrecy that UFO’s are real and not fiction. And there are millions of people who had serious and profound UFO experiences; life changing. Yet, UFOs and alien life represent a difficult reality for most people to grasp and to accept. When I tell my neighbors that I research UFOs, reactions vary from astonishment, curiosity to the cheap joke. 

The UFO reality challenges our cultural and religious beliefs. It has no support in our academic world, our society, or in the media. For many decades, the subject has been systematically ridiculed and manipulated by agencies like CIA and FBI (1). Some people in our society are against any form of disclosure of the phenomenon to the general public - because the UFO reality can negatively impact the world economy and society. UFO disclosure has legal and political implications (2). The UFO reality is a military deeply classified / above top-secret subject. And if you think secrets cannot be kept, I challenge you to think again. These UFO accounts that I present you now occurred in great seriousness: they are military encounters and mass sightings; they are not hoaxes or misidentification. 

Big Sur Incident, USA: On the 15th of September 1964, Dr. Bob Jacobs, a professor from Bradley University, photographic instrumentation Officer for the U.S. Air Force, was in charge of a special unit that was filming Minutemen and Atlas missiles during their launch from Vandenberg U.S. Air Force Base in California. The unit was using 30 to 40 different advanced camera systems for each missile launch. One day, soon after a launch, Dr. Jacobs incredibly witnessed a UFO at very high altitude intercepting and destroying an Atlas rocket type missile with… a laser beam (3). To quote Dr. Jacobs in a video recorded on mainstream US television CNN (4):   

At that point (…) another object flew into the frame (…). It approached the warhead package and maneuvered around it. This "thing" flew a relative polar orbit around our warhead package which was itself heading toward the South Pacific at some 8 thousand miles an hour! As the new object circumnavigated our hardware, it emitted four distinct bright flashes of light at approximately the four cardinal compass points of its orbit. These flashes were so intense that each "strike" caused the I.O. tube to "boom" or form a halo around the spot. Following this remarkable aerial display the object departed the frame in the same direction from which it had come (…). Subsequently the warhead malfunctioned and tumbled out of sub orbit hundreds of miles short of its target. This ... unidentified flying ... "thing" had "shot down" an American (dummy) atomic warhead!” 

There was a secret military debrief following the event. Also Major Mannsman (Jacobs' boss) later confirmed the UFO film footage in letters written in the 1980s and 1990s. These letters are accessible to read (5).  You can also read: A Critical Analysis of the Curious Events at Vandenberg Air Force, Dr. Jacobs, Ph.D. (6). Kingston A George also published an article worth reading published in the Skeptical Inquirer in winter 1993 (7). And you can access more on (8). There are also numerous cases of UFO intrusion of ICBM (intercontinental Ballistic Missiles) sites in the U.S., in USSR and now Russia, and in all other nuclear powers - According to numerous military witnesses, some UFOs had the capacity to change programming numbers of the missiles to the point where the missiles had to be removed and reprogrammed in order to work again.  

Minuteman / Minot AFB, USA: On October 24, 1968, some U.S. Air Force maintenance and security personnel were working at the Minuteman, Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) complex at the Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota. During the morning they sighted two UFOs. The Radar Approach Control (RAPCON) alerted the pilots of a returning B-52H aircraft. Shortly after the report, the crew of the B-52H observed these UFOs on the radarscope. Whilst the B-52H was descending back to Minot military base, a UFO paced the aircraft for approximately 40 kilometres at a high-speed rate and then disappeared off the radarscope. You can read the Analysis of Radar and Air-Visual UFO Observations on 24 October 1968 At Minot AFB, by French Astronomer Claude Poher, Ph.D. (9). 

GEIPAN, France: In 1977, the French government created in partnership with the French National Space Agency, the GEPAN: Groupe d’Etude des Phenomenes Aerospatiaux Non-Identifies. GEPAN is a civilian research group devoted to the analysis of UFO reports, which continues to this day as Groupe d'Etudes et d'Information des Phénomènes Aérospatiaux Non-identifiés (GEIPAN), based in Toulouse. The objective of the French agency is to study and investigate UFO cases in cooperation with the French National Police Force and the Gendarmerie Nationale. Over the years, the organization has concluded that many UFO cases are objects, which origin, propulsion and method of operation are beyond human knowledge and technology.              

Lintiao Air Base, China: in October 1978 at approximately 10pm, at the Lintiao Air Base in China’s northwestern Gansu Province, hundreds of Chinese military personnel were watching an outdoor movie, when a large elongated object with two searchlights passed over their heads. It was visible hovering for up to three minutes (10). Some fighter pilots reported that it “covered half of the sky”. Following the event, on November 13, 1978, the Chinese government published an article in The People’s daily on the UFO phenomenon entitled “UFO: An Unknown World Puzzle”.   

Frederick Valentich, Australia: In October 1978, between Tasmania and Australia, a young pilot flying a Cessna 182 aircraft, Frederick Valentich dramatically disappeared after reporting a metallic looking UFO flying too close around his plane, interfering with his ability to pilot. This case is well known internationally. We never found his plane or his body. The official air accident summary report indicates that he was “presumed fatal”. I recently spoke to Australian researchers Keith Basterfield and Bill Chalker, who investigated the accident at the time and produced a lot of analysis on this case (11). More can also be found in research books such as Above Top Secret (12) and in Clear Intent (13). 

Rendlesham, UK: on the 25/26 of December 1980, at Rendlesham Forest, Suffolk, in England, next to the Woodridge Royal Air Force base, U.S. Air Force security personnel John Burroughs and Sergeant Jim Penniston were eyewitnesses to a UFO encounter (14). Radar screens from RAF Bentwaters and Wattishem airfield also followed the UFO. At approximately 3am the military security patrol started to investigate lights descending into Rendlesham Forest. When entering the forest, the militaries saw a glowing object landed, metallic in appearance. The soldiers described the craft as triangular shaped, approximately 2.5 meters high and 3 meters wide. Suddenly the object took off and shot upward. The day after the event, USAF personnel deputy base commander Lieutenant Col. Charles I. Halt and a group of army personnel measured abnormal amounts of radiation at the original landing site, and some marks on the ground in a triangular shape. Sergeant Penniston reported that this “craft was of unknown origin”.  Many years later, in June 2010, retired Lieutenant Col. Halt stated that he believed the event to be of extraterrestrial origin and that it had clearly been covered by the US and UK military. 

The Rendlesham case reflects a larger pattern of information suppression concerning the true nature of UFOs by many governments. Nick Pope, who worked for the UK Ministry of Defense, confirmed that the Rendlesham case still remains shrouded in secrecy. In 2014, he wrote a book called “Encounter in the Rendlesham Forest”, revealing the event and supported by formely-classified documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act (15). This event ranks amongst the best-known UFO cases in the world. You can also read the transcript of the cassette tape recording made by Lt. Col. Charles Halt on the night of the second sighting (16) and his personal memo (17).

KGB “Blue Folder, USSR: in 1985 in Turkmenistan, near the eastern shore of the Caspian Sea, at one of the Soviet USSR radar station in the Krasnovodsk region, Captain L. Valuev registered a UFO at an altitude above eighteen kilometers. Its size was enormous: one kilometer long! The object was stationary during most of the sighting but finally ascended with tremendous speed and went away.  This case is in the KGB “Blue Folder” (18). 

Triangle UFO, Belgium:  over Belgium and northern Germany, on the night of March 30, 31, 1990, at 10.50pm the NATO radar station at Glons reported three unusual lights forming a triangle. Belgium Police confirmed this. Some witnesses reported that the lights were in fact part of a huge triangular craft. Its variation in speed was remarkable. Two F-16 jets of the Belgium Air Force were scrambled but the UFO started exceptional evasion tactics. At one point the UFO dropped altitude by 2 kilometers in less than a second! After over an hour of attempts to intercept the object, the chase was called off.  

After analyzing its data, the Belgium Air Force announced publicly in May that three military radar stations and two radars onboard two F-16’s had detected the UFO triangle, with witnesses on the ground. The “Report Concerning the Observations of UFOs During the Night of March 30 to 31’ 1990” was published by Belgian Air Force Major P. Lambrechts of the Air Force General Staff in Brussels (19). In the report, Major P. Lambrechts writes:

The speeds measured at that time and the altitude shifts exclude the hypothesis according to which planes could be mistaken for the observed UFOs. The slow moves during the other phases differ also from the moves of planes. Though speeds greater than the sound barrier have been measured several times, not any bang has been noticed. Here also, no explanation can be given.”

The Belgian UFO research organization SOBEPS - Société Belge d'étude des phénomènes spatiaux, later obtained access to the Belgian Air Force reports and radar data. They published the document: “Vague OVNI Sur La Belgique, by SOBEPS” (20). The scientists and physicists of the organization concluded that the object was not ultra-lights, military aircraft, astronomical mistake, hologram, lasers, or temperature inversion. Dr. Jean Pierre Petit, Director of CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research), aeronautical engineer and cosmologist, studied the data and concluded the Belgian Triangle sighting was “not man made”. He stated:

"Given the speed of those machines, (...) given the trajectory, it could not have been a meteorite or any satellite (...). Given the meteorological conditions, it could not have been either natural phenomena or false radar echoes. Given the accelerations that were measured - 40Gs - this could not have been an airplane (...). Conclusion: the machines seen in Belgium were not of terrestrial origin." 

Finally on this case, Wilfred De Brouwer, Major General of the Belgian Air Force; Chief of Operations of the Air Staff (Belgian Air Force) stated: 

 “The Air Force has arrived at the conclusion that a certain number of anomalous phenomena has been produced in Belgian airspace. The numerous testimonies of ground observations reinforced by the radar contacts of the night March 30-31, 1990, have led us to face the hypothesis that a certain number of unauthorised aerial activities have taken place. The day will undoubtedly come when the phenomenon will be observed with the technological means of detection and collection that won’t leave a single doubt about its origin. This should lift a part of the veil that has covered the mystery for a long time; a mystery that continues to be present. But it exists, it is real, and that in itself is an important conclusion.”

NORAD, USA - Canada: The North American Aerospace Defense Command is a joint American and Canadian military organization that uses to this day a multitude of complex radar and satellite systems to monitor the skies. NORAD has the technology to track and focus on every single flying object entering and leaving the Earths’ atmosphere. NORAD can scramble fighter jets to intercept targets anywhere on the North American continent within minutes. Australian researcher Paul Dean uses the Freedom of Information Act and obtained military records of UFO sightings. Paul has also been contacting the USAF’s Air Force Space Command and has acquired a total of 240,000 pages of UFO related data from all around the word (21). NORAD is undeniably collecting UFO data. The declassified documents show that NORAD personnel have been reporting UFOs for many years.  Paul has even discovered NORAD instructions for radar operators on how to “deal” with UFOs (22). I recently spoke to Paul Dean over the phone and clearly, NORAD and other military organizations are looking into the UFO situation extremely seriously. 

Phoenix Lights, USA - Mexico: The Phoenix Lights were a series of widely sighted UFOs observed on March 13 1997 in Arizona and Nevada in the US, and in Mexico. Lights of varying descriptions were seen by thousands of people, in a space of 500 km. A huge object with a triangular formation of lights was seen to pass over the state of Arizona, and a series of strange lights witnessed by thousands of local residents in the Phoenix area. Fife Symington, the governor of Arizona at the time, was one witness to this incident; he later called the object "otherworldly." In 2007, in an interview with the press, Symington stated: 

"I am a pilot and I know just about every machine that flies. This thing was bigger than anything that I have ever seen. It remains a great mystery. (...) It was enormous and inexplicable. Who knows where it came from? A lot of people saw it, and I saw it too. It was dramatic. (…) It had a geometric outline, a constant shape.” (23)

Symington wrote an editorial piece where he described his experience in witnessing the lights, saying that he observed a delta-shaped craft, which moved silently across the sky. He described it as "dramatically large" with a "very distinctive leading edge with some enormous lights.” He called for the government to cease "putting out stories that perpetuate the myth that all UFOs can be explained away in down-to-earth conventional terms.” For more information on this well known case you can read reports from the National UFO Reporting Center ( (24).

Many public figures and high ranked officials from various nations have come out about UFOs in modern history. Scott Carpenter, NASA Mercury Astronaut wrote:

At no time, when the astronauts were in space were they alone. There was a constant surveillance by UFOs.” Brian O’Leary, another NASA Astronaut, stated: “For nearly 50 years, the secrecy apparatus within the U.S. Government has kept from the public UFO and alien contact information. We have contact with alien cultures.” 

USAF Captain Edward J. Ruppelt, in 1956: “When a ground radar picks up a UFO target and a ground observer sees a light where the radar target is located, then a jet interceptor is scrambled to intercept the UFO and the pilot also sees the light and gets a radar lock only to have the UFO almost impudently outdistance him, there is no simple answer…”  (25). Major Claude Riddle, U.S. Army, 1975, commented on a UFO encounter while piloting a helicopter: “It was faster than anything I’ve ever seen. I’ve observed enough launchings to know we have nothing that can compare to the speed of this thing”.

Stanton Friedman, American nuclear physicist: “There no doubt in my mind, after 37 years of study and investigation that the evidence is overwhelming that planet Earth is being visited by intelligently controlled vehicles whose origin is extraterrestrial”. General Lionel M. Charles, Commanding General of the French Air Forces: “We can say categorically that mysterious objects have indeed appeared and continue to appear in the skies that surround us.”  

Finally, French Air Force General Denis Letty (Statement of the French COMETA report, 1999):

“…The accumulation of well-documented sightings made by credible witnesses forces us to consider from now on all of the hypotheses regarding the origin of unidentified flying objects, and the extraterrestrial hypothesis in particular.” (26)

I cannot wait to watch “The Phenomenon” (27). The Phenomenon is a well-researched documentary that analyses over seventy years of history of the UFO phenomenon. It includes interviews with former US Senators, governors and former US Energy Secretary and Defense personnel. It is a high caliber documentary film that leads the audience to the unsettling and unavoidable conclusion: We are not alone.

Some phenomena are beyond human understanding, we call it paranormal, until we can understand and integrate it into modern science. Many scientists, individuals and academics are seriously studying the UFO phenomenon. It may take a few more decades for us humans to fully comprehend the origin and technology behind UFOs, but a couple of facts are clear: a) people need to accept the UFO reality. b) It answers the most important question of human history: we are not alone.  

To conclude, I will cite French Computer Scientist and Astronomer Jacques Vallee:

For over forty years the phenomenon of unidentified flying objects has mystified hundreds of thousands of sincere witnesses, yet the scientific establishment has refused to study it and stubbornly continues to deny the very existence of the mystery. The governments of the major nations have assembled countless dossiers about the subject. In the course of military and intelligence data gathering, many remarkable facts have been accumulated, as we know from the few tidbits the U.S. government has been forced to release under the Freedom of Information Act. Yet officials have never seen fit to declassify most of the files.” (28)


  1. The FBI - CIA - UFO Connection, by Dr. Bruce Maccabee, Ph.D., Richard Dolan Press, 2014.

  2. A. D.: After Disclosure: The People's Guide to Life After Contact, by Bryce Zabel and Richard M. Dolan, 2010

  3. MUFON UFO Journal No. 245, September 1988

  4. UFO intercepts Atlas Rocket 1964:


  6. A Critical Analysis of the Curious Events at Vandenberg Air Force, Dr. Jacobs, Ph.D.:

  7. The Big Sur “UFO: An Identified Flying Object”, Kingston A George, Skeptical Inquirer Vol. 17, winter 1993, pp. 180-187.

  8. The Big Sur UFO Film Incident – A Case Study, Marcus Lowth, May 12, 2019:

  9. Analysis of Radar and Air-Visual UFO Observations on 24 October 1968 at Minot AFB, North Dakota, USA, by Claude Poher, Ph.D.:

  1. Dong, Paul, UFOs Over China, 119-120; CIA FOIA Files, China Report, Science and Technology; Richard M. Dolan, UFOs & The National Security State – The Cover Up exposed 1973 – 1991 Richard M. Dolan, Keyhole Publishing Company, 2009

  2. Keith Basterfield, Flying Saucer Review.

Bill Chalker, FSR reference: Vol. 24, No.5. March, 1979: 3-5. Bill Chalker, FSR “Vanished? The Valentich Affair Re-examined.” FSR, Vol. 30, no. 2 (1984): 6-12.

Bill Chalker: “The OZ Files - the Australian UFO Story” (1996), Bill Chalker: “Valentich Disappearance”, The UFO Encyclopedia”, 3rd edition (2018), Vol. 2, 1208-1212 (edited by Jerome Clark)

  1. Above Top Secret, Sidgwick & Jackson (1987), by Timothy Good

  2. Clear Intent (1984), by Lawrence Fawcett and Barry Greenwood

  3. The Rendlesham Enigma, by Jim Pennison and Gary Osborn, Amazon Kindle, 2019. UFOs & The National Security State – The Cover Up exposed 1973 – 1991 Richard M. Dolan, Keyhole Publishing Company, 2009

  4. Encounter in Rendlesham Forest: The Inside Story of the World's Best-Documented UFO Incident, by Nick Pope, John Burroughs and Jim Penniston, Thomas Dunne Books, London. 2014.

  5. Transcript of the cassette tape recording made by Lt. Col. Charles Halt on the night of the second sighting:

  6. Personal memo of Lt. Col. Charles Halt:

  7. UFOs & The National Security State – The Cover Up exposed 1973 – 1991 Richard M. Dolan, Keyhole Publishing Company, 2009

  8. Report Concerning the Observations of UFOs During the Night of March 30 to 31’ 1990”, Belgian Air Force, Major P. Lambrechts of the Air Force General Staff.

  9. Vague OVNI Sur La Belgique, SOBEPS:


  11. NORAD UFO Files, December 2016, Open Minds TV



  14. Unidentified Aerial Phenomena – Eight years of Pilot Sightings, A Catalog of Military, Airliner and Private Pilots Sightings, from 1916 to 2000, Dominique F. Weinstein, NARCAP International Technical Advisor, 2001

  15. Rapport COMETA (Comite d’Etudes Approfondies) – Les Ovnis et la Defense, A quoi doit-on se preparer? 1999, Association francaise d’etude des phenomenes aerospatiaux non identifies.

  16. 2020- the

  17. Revelations Alien Contact and Human Deception, Jacques Vallee, 1991

Julien Lacave