Coulthart exposes UFO coverup on Australian primetime TV

A must watch documentary on the most important topic of all times, the UFO phenomenon, finally on Australian mainstream TV. I had the pleasure to meet Ross Coulthart last year at his home in Sydney. Ross is an experienced journalist who will weaponize your curiosity. In his words:

“While newspaper and TV editors took the view for decades that UFOs-UAPs were not a worthy subject for investigation, the evidence has changed. Former CIA Directors, a former Director of National Intelligence, former President Obama, former senior Defence and intelligence officials all admit there are intelligently controlled craft operating in our skies, our oceans and in orbit that cannot be prosaically explained away as swamp gas, balloons, natural phenomena, misidentified aircraft or any of the plethora of other explanations offered for such anomalous phenomena for generations. The evidence is overwhelming that there is and has been a long Government cover-up to suppress public inquisitiveness. We have been lied to. There have indubitably been cover-ups. Now, it is all unravelling.”

Buckle up!

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Julien Lacave